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Tag: Slavery

Ministerial Travels and Labours of Mrs. Zilpha Elaw

Ministerial Travels and Labours of Mrs. Zilpha Elaw

Zilpha Elaw 1846 “[…] When I arrived in the slave states, Satan much worried and distressed my soul with the fear of being arrested and sold for a slave, which their laws would have warranted, on account of my complexion and features. On one occasion, in particular, I had been preaching to a coloured congregation, and had exhorted them impressively to quit themselves as men approved of God, and to maintain and witness a good profession of their faith before…

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Slavery in the Pulpit of the Evangelical Alliance by Frederick Douglas

Slavery in the Pulpit of the Evangelical Alliance by Frederick Douglas

Frederick Douglas September 14, 1846 “You will observe, that during the speeches of Mr. Garrison and Mr. Thompson, special reference has been made to the church in America. Why, Sir, do we so often allude to this, and make special attacks on the American church and clergy? It is not because we have any war with them as a body of Christians, not because we have any war with the ministers in America, as such,—not at all; but they have…

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Thomas Jefferson’s Draft Declaration of Independence

Thomas Jefferson’s Draft Declaration of Independence

Thomas Jefferson Jefferson’s draft Included a passage blaming the King of England for the slave trade. To heighten the critique, he points out that this heinous act Is perpetrated by the “Christian king.” When, in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for a people to advance from that subordination in which they have hitherto remained, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the equal and independent station to which the laws of nature and of nature’s…

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