Letter from Citizens of Daviess and Livingston Counties to Governor Boggs, Jefferson City, Missouri

Letter from Citizens of Daviess and Livingston Counties to Governor Boggs, Jefferson City, Missouri

George T. Prichard
September 12, 1838

In this blunt letter, the citizens of two counties in Missouri lay out why they loathe Joseph Smith and his followers.

Daviess County – September 12 th . 1838 To his Excellency the Governor of the State of Missouri —

We, the Citizens of the Counties of Daviess & Livingston represent to your honor, that a crisis has come, which we believe requires us, as the legitimate citizens of Missouri , to call on the Executive of State for protection—For several weeks past the Mormons have been making formidable preparation for a civil war—and one which they are pleased to call a war of extermination—We presume that your honor is apprised of the attack made on Adam Black esqr. on the 8th of August by the Mormons, and shall not enter into a detail of it here—But we will apprise your honor that the Mormons have & keep a lawless armed force stationed in our county, and are constantly throwing out menaces, threats & challenges to our Citizens.

Influenced by fearful apprehensions of danger, we, the people of the above counties, sent an express to Richmond last week for arms and ammunition, and on their return with their load of guns, say forty five, and several kegs powder, & 200 lbs: lead, they were intercepted, on Sunday last, in passing through Caldwell County , by a banditti of those fanatical Enthusiasts, made prisoners of, & taken to Far West—where they, the guard & the above munitions of war are still held in custody—on Sunday last, an armed force of fifty Mormons left their encampment in this county and Marched to the Territory of Livingston County for the purpose as they Said of removeing a considerable amount of property which was subject to a lien held by Mr. James Weldon—they passed into the settlement secretely and falling in with a Family which they suspected would alarm the settlement they violently seized and made prisoners of the whole Family which consisted of three men and two Ladies, all of whom with three others of our citizens we believe are still held in the custody of those Rebels, and deprived of their Liberties.

Our county, Sir, is in a distressed situation probably two thirds of the Families of Daviess County have left and gone to seek protection among the neighboring Counties while a few of the old settlers are still here and are determined only to surrender their houses with their lives—for about four weeks we have humbly and unceasingly been petitioning our neighbouring Counties for aid but we are yet in a helpless and defenceless condition.

We therefore, the people of the above Counties, being well aware that your Honor is well acquainted with the character of those people called Mormons & believeing that our lives our liberties our property and our all are in the most emminent danger of being Sacrificed by the hands of those Imposterous Rebels earnestly call on your honour for assistance—assistance, we must have or leave our homes and seek protection else where Most of us, Sir, have emigrated to these frontier Counties before there were any settlements formed; we have had to encounter & have realized nearly all the difficulties incident to a new country.

We have foregone the pleasure & the advantages of the old and well settled counties, which we have left in anticipation of enjoying the like blessings in this—but alas, our anticipations are blasted and unless we can get rid of those Cannadian Refugees and Emmissaries of the prince of Darkness we and our Families are ruined

We are Sir Your petitioners The Citizens of Daviess & Livingston Counties

I George T Prichard of the County of Daviess do solemnly swear that I had an interview with the Mormons, who arrested the Family in the Territory of Livingston, above refered to, and saw three of their prisoners and was informed by them the Mormons that they had the rest of the Family under arrest and that they intended to keep them untill they saw their own time to release them

George T. Prichard

Sworn and subscribed to before me this 12th day of September 1838

R Wilson Clerk of the Circuit Court of Daviess County

Citizens of Daviess Cty to Govr Sept 12, 1838


“Letter from Citizens of Daviess and Livingston Counties to Governor Boggs, Jefferson City, Missouri, September 12, 1838,” Mormon War Papers, 1837–1841, Missouri State Archives.
